Christ is the reality of the heavenly manna sent by God to be the daily life supply of His chosen people, and we can eat the Lord Jesus and live because of Him by eating His words and digesting Him into our inner being. This week in our deeper study of the book of Numbers […]
We Eat the Lord Jesus by Eating His Words of Spirit and Life to Live Because of Him
Knowing the Significance of Eating Jesus and Practicing to Eat Jesus and be Supplied

This week in our morning revival we come to Leviticus 11 where we want to see two main items, The Significance of Eating and the Defeat of Death. More exactly, we want to see what is the significance of eating Jesus and how should we cooperate with the Lord so that He may defeat and […]
We can Experience Christ as our Trespass Offering to Build up the Body of Christ

We commit sins because we are short of the humanity of Jesus; when we sin and repent, God forgives us and cleanses us, and the issue is that we become a person full of Christ as peace and love to build up the Body of Christ. This is to take Christ as our trespass offering […]
The Bread of the Presence: Christ is the Food for the Believers as Priests to God

It is vitally important for us to realize that we daily need to eat Christ, feed on Him, take Him in, and enjoy Him as spiritual food. Just as physically we need to eat daily – and even more than one time every day – so spiritually we need to eat Christ, digest Him, and […]