In our Christian life, there are at least three stages of eating, corresponding to the picture seek with the people of Israel’s eating: eating Christ as our Passover, eating Christ as our heavenly food to be reconstituted with Him, and eating Him as the rich produce of the good land to become His overcomers. These […]
Eating Christ as our Passover and as our Heavenly Food to be Constituted with Christ
Christ is our Passover; He’s our Redemption to Begin our Enjoyment of God’s Salvation

The feast of the Passover signifies Christ as our redemption to begin our enjoyment of God’s salvation with God, in which Christ is everything. There were seven yearly feasts, and the first one was the feast of the Passover. There were the weekly feasts, the Sabbath, and there were the yearly ones, seven of them. […]
Being Delivered from the World by the Power of our Saving God and by Eating Christ

God’s deliverance of His people Israel from Egypt was through the Passover, the exodus, and the crossing the Red Sea. The Passover is foundational, basic, and critical for the sake of our exiting the world (typified by the exodus from Egypt) and going through baptism (typified by crossing the Red Sea), making it clear that […]
Exercising our Little Faith to Apply the Blood and Remaining in Christ as the House

Praise the Lord Jesus for coming as the Lamb of God to die for our redemption and give Himself to us for our life supply! The Passover was to be a memorial for God’s people that they may remember and never forget; daily in our Christian life we need to enjoy Christ as our passover […]
Eating Christ as the Lamb with Unleavened Bread and Bitter Herbs to become God’s Army

Christ, our Passover, has been sacrificed; He is the Lamb of God for our redemption and life supply. The type of the Passover in Exodus 12 is marvelous, and in our Christian life, we need to daily enjoy Christ as our real Passover. God ordained that His people would hold the feast of the Passover […]
Eating Christ as the Lamb of God who was Roasted by the Fire of God’s Judgement

Christ is our Passover: He is the Lamb of God taking away the sin of the world and becoming our life supply for us to fulfill God’s purpose. The Passover is a type of Christ; Christ is not only the Passover lamb but also every aspect of the Passover. Christ died on the cross as […]
God Intends for us to Remember Christ’s Redemption in a Specific and Detailed Way

This week in our morning revival we are enjoying the matter of the Passover as seen in the book of Exodus. Most believers know that Christ is the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world (John 1:29), and their understanding and appreciation of the Passover is limited to this aspect. However, […]