God’s economy is that we believers in Christ eat Christ as the bread of God and become constituted with Him in order to express Him and represent Him; we need to eat Christ as the living bread, the true bread, the bread of God, and live because of Him. Amen! God’s economy, His household […]
God’s Economy is that we Eat Christ as the Bread of God to be Constituted with Him
Eating Christ as our Passover and as our Heavenly Food to be Constituted with Christ

In our Christian life, there are at least three stages of eating, corresponding to the picture seek with the people of Israel’s eating: eating Christ as our Passover, eating Christ as our heavenly food to be reconstituted with Him, and eating Him as the rich produce of the good land to become His overcomers. These […]
Enjoy Christ as the Tree of Life by Loving Him with the First Love and by Eating Him

This week in our morning revival we focus on the topic of the Knowledge of life, and in particular today we want to see that Christ as life is the reality of the tree of life, and we need to eat Christ as the tree of life. We need to know life and the church, […]
Eating Christ as the Lamb with Unleavened Bread and Bitter Herbs to become God’s Army

Christ, our Passover, has been sacrificed; He is the Lamb of God for our redemption and life supply. The type of the Passover in Exodus 12 is marvelous, and in our Christian life, we need to daily enjoy Christ as our real Passover. God ordained that His people would hold the feast of the Passover […]
seeing the world, the life in the world, and the way to escape: HALLELUJAH!!! (2011 Poland Camp)
In this year’s Young People’s Conference in Poland I appreciated the brothers pointing out the facts to us – as seen in Exodus. These facts are concerning Egypt (the world system that Satan created), concerning what life in Egypt is like, and how to escape the tyranny and slavery of Egypt. I was impressed that […]
we need to eat Christ as the Lamb of God with all the saints in the house of God!(2011 Poland camp)
This Poland camp I was very touched that the Lord is ready to come – He is eager to come, but He needs a dispensational instrument to turn this age! The enemy is working against God’s will and his strategy is to interrupt our cooperation with the Lord according to His desire. Today’s world is Satan’s system […]