By living in our spirit and eating Christ as the hidden manna, we can overcome the world to become the building of God consummating in the New Jerusalem. Amen! As believers in Christ, we have been regenerated with the divine, eternal, incorruptible life of God, and today we need to live by this divine […]
Eat Christ as the Hidden Manna to Overcome the World to Become the building of God
God’s Economy is that we Eat Christ as the Bread of God to be Constituted with Him

God’s economy is that we believers in Christ eat Christ as the bread of God and become constituted with Him in order to express Him and represent Him; we need to eat Christ as the living bread, the true bread, the bread of God, and live because of Him. Amen! God’s economy, His household […]
As we Labor on Christ and Eat Him, we’re Constituted with Him and become God’s Inheritance

As believers in Christ, we are constituted with what we eat; Christ is our heavenly food for our enjoyment, and as we labor on Christ as our good land, we gain Him as our enjoyment, we are constituted with Him, and we are transformed to become Christ’s treasure, His possession. Amen! This week we come […]
Our Life is Hidden with Christ in God; we need to Take Christ as Life and Live Him

As believers in Christ, our life is the Christ who dwells within us, and this life is hidden with Christ in God; we need to take Him as life and live by Him in our daily life. When we were regenerated, we were brought into another realm, the realm of the divine life, the realm […]