The book of Exodus is a book of pictures, starting from the portrait of life in the world under Satan’s usurpation and ending with God’s building, the goal of God’s salvation. The experiences that the people of Israel went through are a portrait and a type of our own Christian experience, and today we as […]
God’s Building is the Desire of God’s Heart and the Goal of His Salvation
Christ and the New Man as our Clothing is also our Dwelling Place as Priests to God

As believers in Christ, we are all priests to God, and Christ is our food, our clothing, and our dwelling. The priests were a particular kind of people who were set aside for God; they spent time with God, served God, and were infused with God to be mingled with God and express God. Their […]
Learning to Live a Life of Praise, Developing our Praise, and Being Persons of Praise

After God delivered them from Egypt and saved them from Pharaoh through their crossing of the Red Sea, the children of Israel sang the song of Moses, a song of praise to God for His victory and His salvation. In their song there is much praise to God for saving them the slavery in Egypt […]
Building up God’s Dwelling Place with the Christ we Enjoy, Experience, and Offer to God

If we see that God’s purpose, His heart’s desire, and His goal is the church, His dwelling place, we will realize that we were saved for the church, we enjoy Christ for the church, and we are under God’s light and revelation for the building up of the church. It is crucial to see the […]
Benjamin: the Dwelling Place of the Triune God with Man Consummating in New Jerusalem

When Jacob was at the zenith, the culmination of his life, he was shining like a sun: he prophesied with blessing in a specific way concerning each of his twelve sons. His prophecy was first fulfilled in the history of the people of Israel with the twelve tribes, and today Jacob’s prophecy with blessing applies to […]
Being Rescued from the Usurpation in the World by Seeing what Life in the World Is

In the New Testament we are clearly told that the whole world lies in the evil one (1 John 5:19), and that we should not love the world or the things in the world (1 John 2:15-17). But the clear picture of what the world is can be seen in Exodus 5-7, where God sent […]
enjoying God’s visitation and practicing the scriptural way to meet and serve

Isn’t it so wonderful to be in the Father’s house, in the house of God, in the church? Here we see the continuation and the propagation of the life of God in so many human beings, our brothers and sisters. Here we learn to build up the church as the Father’s house, the house of […]