In the divine romance, we become one with God to be His dwelling place and city for His corporate expression. As those who love the Lord and pursue after Him in love, we need to become mature in the life of Christ and be built up as God’s house and His city, and we […]
In the Divine Romance we become One with God to be His Dwelling Place and City
The History of Israel is a Type of the Church as the Body of Christ in God’s Economy

The entire history of Israel in the Old Testament is a type of the church in the New Testament, for God desires to gain a corporate Body, the church, for His habitation and expression on earth. As we come to the books of 1 and 2 Kings, we want to see the intrinsic revelation […]
Enter into Christ’s Wonderful Shepherding for the Fulfillment of God’s Dream, the Church

We need to enter into Christ’s wonderful shepherding for the fulfilment of God’s dream, the church as the mutual dwelling place of God and man. In the church life, we need to be careful about directing others or controlling them related to their marriage, who to marry, and what to do; we are here simply […]
Christ is the Reality of all the Offerings for us to Worship God in Spirit and Truthfulness

Christ is the reality of the offerings so that we may worship God in spirit and truthfulness (John 4:23-24); as we live daily by enjoying Christ as the reality of all the offerings, we are brought into the building of God with man, the mutual dwelling place of God and man, the church. Praise the […]
A Revelation of God’s People being built up with the Triune God to be His Dwelling Place

We need to see a revelation of God’s people being built up with the Triune God to be His dwelling place on earth, as revealed in the pictures and types in the tabernacle. First, as God’s people we need to see a revelation of God Himself so that we may see who He is, what […]
We need to Highly Regard the Work of the Spirit and Reverence God’s Sanctuary

We need to highly regard the Triune God and His work, and we need to reverence God’s sanctuary by regarding with reverence all that God is and has accomplished in Christ as God’s dwelling, embodiment, and expression, and in the church as the enlargement of Christ for God’s dwelling and eternal manifestation. To keep God’s […]
The Church is Composed of God’s Redeemed People as a Spiritual House and a Priesthood

After seeing that the entire Bible speaks mainly of life and building, we today come to the matter of the tabernacle and the priesthood: the tabernacle is the priesthood, and the church is both a spiritual house and the priesthood. The basic and central revelation of the Bible are life and building; from Gen. 2 all […]