We believers in Christ need to build up the habit of drawing water from the springs of salvation in order to drink and flow the water of life; in our daily living we need to drink the Lord habitually, and we need to flow Him out to others also. Amen! The gospel presented by […]
Build up the Habit of Drawing Water from the Springs of Salvation: Drink and Flow God
Christ as Living Water Flows as we Live a Crucified Life to Manifest the Resurrection Life

The water in the good land flows forth in valleys and in mountains, which indicates that Christ as living water flows in different environments; as we are under the killing of the cross in the environments sovereignly arranged by God, we can live the resurrection life and be filled with life, drink Christ as […]
God in Christ as the Flowing Spirit is Reaching us as Living Water for us to Drink

The all-inclusive Christ as the all-inclusive Spirit is a land of water brooks, of springs and of fountains, flowing forth in valleys and in mountains; the Triune God as the flowing Spirit is the living water for us to drink and be satisfied, and this living water flows to us wherever we are! Amen! […]
Though we Often Forsake God, we can Repent and Return to Drink Him as Living Waters

Though we often forsake God and run after other things to find satisfaction, we can repent and return to drink Him as living waters in our daily life. God is faithful to deal with our idols and bring us back to the enjoyment of Christ that we may drink of Him; though we are […]
We need to Drink the Living Water in Resurrection to Remain in the Divine Dispensing

If we want to experience the divine dispensing of the Divine Trinity, we need to breathe in the Spirit, drink Christ as the all-inclusive Spirit, and eat Christ as the bread of God; today we want to we can drink the living water of life in resurrection to enjoy all that God is. Hallelujah! […]
Confessing our Sins in the Divine Light to Drink Christ as the Living Water today

When we take Christ as our trespass offering by confessing our sins in the divine light, we drink Christ as the living water for us to become the New Jerusalem. What is the trespass offering? It is an offering ordained by God for His people to bring when they sinned, when a sin was manifested […]