As the reality of the Feast of Tabernacles, Christ went through a process to be consummated as the Spirit for us to drink and flow as rivers of living water; the consummated Spirit is the Triune God after passing through many processes to flow in us and out of us. Amen! In John 7 we […]
Christ became a Life-giving Spirit to be Rivers of Living Water flowing into us
Trust in God and Come to God to Absorb His Riches and Flow Him as the Water of Life

Those who trust in God are like a tree planted by the water, growing by absorbing the riches of the water; we need to come to God just as we are and absorb His riches through prayer to receive the divine dispensing until there is a fountain of water gushing up into eternal life. […]
God is Faithful to lead us to Drink of Him as the Fountain of Living Waters

Our God is faithful to deal with all our idols so that He may lead us to drink Him as the fountain of living waters. God is faithful in calling us into the fellowship and enjoyment of His Son, but many times we’re unfaithful to His calling us into His intention; hence, God is […]
Drinking the Living Water to be Satisfied Uniquely with God and become the New Jerusalem

When we drink of Christ as the living water, this will become in us a fountain of water springing up into eternal life, into the New Jerusalem; only by drinking the living water can we be satisfied and never disappointed! Our God has passed through a process to become a life-giving Spirit as the living […]
Drinking and Flowing the Water of Life in Resurrection to become the Body and the Bride

How we thank and praise the Lord for being smitten for us on the cross and flowing out the water of life in resurrection for us to drink and be formed into the Body of Christ and prepared as the bride of Christ consummating in the New Jerusalem! Hallelujah! As we are considering the deeper […]
Daily Drinking the Humanity of Jesus to be Jesusly Human in the World for the Church

It will make a great difference in our Christian life and work when we realize that the humanity we should have – the humanity of Jesus – can be ours only by eating and drinking the humanity of Jesus in the Spirit. Too many Christians have endeavoured to “imitate Jesus” and to “live like Jesus” […]
Drinking and Flowing the Water of Life in Resurrection in our Daily Experience

God in Christ as the Spirit is the living water in resurrection for us to drink and flow (see John 7:37-39). Christ has been smitten by God on the cross and out of His side flowed living water for man to drink and enjoy. Christ as the living rock has been cleft through His crucifixion, […]