The Lord wants to manifest His resurrection power in us, but He will wait until we are hopelessly weak, an utter failure, and completely dead, and then He comes in; when we draw near to Him, we need to let Him do what He wills in us, realizing that He will manifest Himself to us […]
As those Hopelessly Weak, we Draw Near to God, Allow Him to do what He Wills, and Trust Him
We need to Draw Near to God to be the Priests and Kings Ministering to Him Today

The more we draw near to God to be closer to Him as priests and kings to God, the more important we are to Him, and the more He can fulfil His purpose through us. The picture portrayed by the allotment of the land in Ezek. 48:1-35 shows that, in the restoration from Dan in […]
Ministering to the Lord by Drawing Near to Him and Spending Time with Him in Prayer

The Lord desires us to minister to Him by drawing near to Him, spend time before the Lord and pray more, and wait for His will to be revealed to us and infused into us, so that we may minister not only to His house but to the Lord Himself. In Ezek. 44 the Lord […]
We need to Know God not only in His Power but also Personally as Jehovah, Our God

God desires that His people know Him, and in Ezekiel the phrase “know that I am Jehovah” is mentioned at least sixty-four times; Him being God implies His power and His relationship with creatures, and Him being Jehovah denotes His relationship with man. Many things had to happen to the people of Israel so that […]