Spend Private Time with the Lord in Prayer and Live by the Hidden Life of our Father

We believers in Christ are kingdom people, people of the kingdom of God on this earth, and we need to live by the hidden life of our Father, doing our righteous deeds in secret and not making a display; we need to practice living a hidden life in secret with the Lord so that the […]

Kingdom People have Secret Growth in Life before God and do Righteous Deeds in Secret

As people of the kingdom of God, we believers in Christ live a hidden life, not performing our righteous deeds before men; rather, we give, we pray, and we fast in secret, having much secret growth in life before the Lord, so that our heavenly Father, who sees in secret, would reward us and be […]

We need to do our Righteous Deeds and Give in Secret, Living in the Father’s Presence

 As believers in Christ, we are citizens of the kingdom of God, and our nature is both divine and human; our giving and our doing righteous deeds is in secret, for we do these before our Father, who sees in secret and rewards us in secret. This matter of giving in secret is quite […]