In the organic aspect of God’s complete salvation, feeding in shepherding (even mutual shepherding) is the nourishment of the divine life for us to grow unto maturity, and dispositional sanctification constitutes us with God’s divine nature for us to be sanctified in our nature to be as holy as God is holy. Hallelujah! God’s […]
Feeding in Shepherding to Nourish us and Dispositional Sanctification to make us Holy
Being Dispositionally Sanctified by the Washing of the Water in the Word of God

We are being washed by the water in the word of God so that Christ as the life-giving Spirit would dispositionally sanctify us and make us His glorious, spotless, blameless bride. Amen! The holding line in the carrying out of God’s eternal economy in relation to man is the divine sanctification. God is holy; He […]
The Divine Sanctification is the Holding Line in God’s Economy to Sonize us Divinely

The divine sanctification is the holding line in the carrying out of the divine economy to make us sons of God in full; we are daily being sanctified to be divinely sonized by God. God the Father chose us, the believers in Christ, even before the foundation of the world, to make us holy. He […]
The Divine Sanctification of the Spirit as the Center of the Divine Economy makes us Holy

The Bible reveals three aspects of sanctification, and the divine sanctification for the divine sonship is the center of the divine economy and the central thought in the New Testament – it is the holding line in the carrying out of the divine economy to sonize us divinely! Amen! In the Scriptures we see three […]
The Will of God is our Sanctification: being Separated unto Him and Saturated with Him

The will of God is our sanctification, that is, that we may be made holy – both separated unto God and saturated with God as the Holy One, and our sanctification is unto sonship. Hallelujah for God’s will! This week in our morning revival we come to the topic of, The Will of God – […]
God Chose us to be Holy and He makes us Holy by Imparting His Holy Element into us

Based on Lev. 18-20, this week we come to the matter of, Chosen to Be Holy with a Holy Living to Express the Holy God and Become the Holy City. Hallelujah, God chose us to be holy just like Him! In eternity past God chose us to be holy and without blemish before Him in […]
The Holy Spirit Sanctifies us Dispositionally to make us as Holy as God is Holy

Whenever the Bible mentions God, Christ, and the Spirit, it is very specific and precise; these are not interchangeable terms for one person. In a similar way, whenever the Bible speaks of the Spirit, it is very specific and precise; for example, there’s no mention of the Spirit of Christ or the life-giving Spirit anywhere […]