Our wonderful Christ is all-inclusive and all-extensive, and He is so much to us for our enjoyment and experience. Throughout the Bible, there are many titles, statuses, and riches of Christ that are being displayed, and in particular this week we are enjoying the matter of Christ being the Angel of Jehovah for His people […]
Christ is the Angel of the Covenant to Dispense the Riches of the Triune God into us
Paying the Price to See the Central Vision of the Completing Ministry of Paul

We need to see the central vision of the completing ministry of Paul, because this central vision is the essence of the Lord’s recovery. The fact that the Lord needs a recovery means that there has been much damage and loss being done throughout the history of the church, and today the Lord wants to […]
The Triune God has been Processed and Consummated to Dispense Himself into us

This is a fact that all the believers in Christ should know, treasure, enjoy, and benefit of in their daily Christian life: the Triune God has been processed and consummated to dispense Himself into our entire tripartite being (John 7:37-39; Rom. 8:11). This means that God became a man and He passed through a long […]
Drinking of God as the Fountain of Living Waters to Become His Increase

We as Christians and genuine believers in Christ need to do one thing: we need to drink of God as the fountain of living waters! Yes, we need to read the Bible, we need to pray, we need to meet with other saints, and we need to do so many other things, but first and […]
The Governing Vision of the Bible and the Kernel of the Divine Revelation

Many Christians read the Bible and they find a lot of things in the Bible. But have you ever wondered or have you ever asked the Lord in your time with Him in the Word, Lord, what is the governing vision in the Bible? Lord, what is the kernel of the divine revelation in the word […]
seeing the human history according to God and being in the divine history

In the Minor Prophets more than anywhere else we can see that behind and within the outward human history there’s a divine history that is taking place. We are taught history in school and we think that THIS is what’s really going on; but we need to see the universal history according to God’s economy, […]
the focus of the Epistles in the New Testament is the Divine Trinity for the divine dispensing
What is the focus of all the 22 epistles in the New Testament? Have you ever considered that there’s something deeper in the Epistles, like an underlying structure, a focus? I personally haven’t, to be honest, but by enjoying the morning revival on, The Focus of the Lord’s Recovery, especially week two, I have been so impressed with this… The focus of the Epistles in the New Testament is not doctrines, teachings, Christianity, working for God, outward practices, etc – the focus of the Epistles is the Divine Trinity for the Divine Dispensing! [read online a comprehensive list of verses in the Epistles clearly showing us the Triune God dispensing Himself into man!]