We need to learn from Nehemiah to live in resurrection, love God and His interests, be unselfish, apply ourselves to work with the saints to build up the church, and end this age in oneness with the Lord. In reading the book of Nehemiah we are impressed with the pattern of Nehemiah as one […]
Learn from Nehemiah to Live in Resurrection, Love God, and Work with the Saints to Build
Come Forward to God in Spirit and be one with Him to have Dispensational Value to God

What God desires today is to end this age and bring in the age of the kingdom; for Him to accomplish this, He must have His dispensational instrument, and we all should have dispensational value to God, doing what the special work required to end this age in oneness with the Lord. Amen! This […]
Looking to the Lord for a New Revival that will Turn this Age to the Age of the Kingdom

As believers in Christ who see what is in God’s heart and how He wants to end this age, we look to the Lord for a new revival that will turn this age from the age of the church to the age of the King with His kingdom. What we see happening in Judges […]
Heaven is Waiting for the Man-child to Arrive to Cast Satan Down and Bring in the Kingdom

God judged and condemned Satan through Christ’s living and His work on the cross, but it is only when the man-child is raptured to the throne of God that Satan is judged and cast down with his angels, and God’s kingdom is manifested. Hallelujah! Satan was Lucifer before he rebelled, and he was the head […]
Christ is the Leading Overcomer and the Overcoming Man-child is the Body of Christ

The man-child spoken of in Rev. 12 is not only Christ as the First Overcomer but Christ with His overcomers, for He is the Head, the life, center, and nature of the man-child, and the overcoming believers are part of the overcoming man-child. What the Lord is after today is the overcomers, for the church […]
Understanding the Times and being Vitalized to be persons Praying Age-Turning Prayers

The way for us today to become vitalized is to answer the Lord’s call to be an overcomer, for an overcomer is a vital person, a praying person. Also, as today’s overcomers, we need to be men who understand the times so that we may know what to do; we need to grasp the opportunity […]
Redeeming the Opportunity to be God’s Dispensational Instrument with a Spirit of Martyrdom

The Lord desires to gain age-turners, a corporate age-turning dispensational instrument, and for this we need to be self-sacrificing persons with the spirit of martyrdom, and we also need to redeem the time by redeeming the opportunity that the Lord puts before us day by day. In his time, Daniel was an overcomer; he was […]