In order for the divine life to have a free and full flow within us and through us, we need to do the work of digging by prayer; we need to dig away the dirt in our mind, emotion, and will, and we need to do this simply by spending much personal time with the […]
Spending Time with the Lord to do the Digging by Prayer According to His Leading
Dig away and Deal with the things Condemned by the Lord in our Heart and Conscience

For us to have the flow of the divine life out of our innermost being, we must dig away the many things condemned by the Lord in our heart and also deal with our conscience to have it purified. As believers in Christ, we have drank of the smitten rock – which is Christ, and […]
We need to Dig the Dirt in our Heart so that the Spirit may Spring up and Flow Freely

The rock in Exo 17 and Num. 20 is a type of Christ who was smitten for us on the cross to flow out the divine life, and the well in Num. 21 is a type of Christ within us flowing out as we cooperate to dig the dirt, dig away all the barriers. The […]
Singing to the Well and Digging Away all the Dirt in our Being so that Life may Flow

God’s desire is to be the fountain of living waters to His people for them to drink, have their thirst quenched, and spontaneously live a life for God’s purpose. In order to become the fountain of living waters to us, God became a man and, in Christ, He was smitten on the cross (as the […]