The kingdom of God is the realm of the divine life for this life to accomplish its purpose; the kingdom of God is Christ Himself as the seed of life sown into us and developing into a realm over which God rules as His kingdom in His divine life. The kingdom of God is not […]
The Kingdom of God is Christ as the Seed of Life Sown and Developing in the Believers
We Enter the Kingdom of God as the Realm of the Divine Species by being Born of God

The kingdom of God is the realm of the divine species, the realm in which are all the divine things; to enter this realm, we need to be born of God, born of water and the Spirit, regenerated with the divine life. The kingdom of God refers not only to the reign of God over […]
The Kingdom of God is God Himself, and now we have the Innate Ability of the Divine Life

This week we start a new topic in the morning revival, which touches the matter of the kingdom of God; the kingdom of God is God Himself, and the kingdom is not merely an outward matter but a matter of the innate ability of the divine life. The general subject of the recent 2019 spring […]
Realising that through many Tribulations we must Enter into the Kingdom of God

We need to realize that through many tribulations we must enter into the kingdom of God, because the whole world opposes our entering in; therefore, today we need to cooperate with the Lord for the development of the kingdom of God. The whole world opposes God, and when the gospel of the kingdom is being […]
Seeing the Kingdom of God with its Entrance, Development and Reality in the Church

The kingdom of God in the aspect of life is Christ as the seed of life sown into us, His believers, and developing into a realm over which God can rule as His kingdom in His divine life. In the Gospels the Lord Jesus Himself had announced the gospel of the kingdom, and in the […]
In Acts the Disciples are Spreading Christ as the Development of the Kingdom of God

As believers in Christ we are the increase of Christ and we cooperate with Him to propagate the resurrected, ascended, and all-inclusive Christ as the development of the kingdom of God on earth. This week we focus on the matter of the development of the kingdom of God. In Matt. 5 the Lord Jesus began […]