The Lord Jesus, who was, is, and always will be the only begotten Son of God in His divinity, became the Son of God in a new way in resurrection, for He was designated the Son of God in power according to the Spirit of holiness. And today we are in the process of […]
We’re Designated Sons of God according to the Spirit of Holiness as we Walk in Spirit
Know and Experience Christ as the Designated Son of God in Resurrection with His Humanity

As believers in Christ, we need to know Christ in His resurrection designated as the Son of God in power with His human nature, as seen in Rom. 1:3-4. We need to know Christ in a subjective way, knowing not only the truth concerning His designation to be the firstborn Son of God but […]
God’s Gospel is to Build God into man and man into God to gain a corporate God-man, the Body

Our gospel is the gospel of the sonship, which is the seed of David becoming the Son of God; God’s gospel speaks of the process of Christ being designated the firstborn Son of God in resurrection, and we being produced as the many sons of God to build up the Body of Christ. What a […]
In Resurrection Christ was Designated the Son of God in His Humanity to be God’s Firstborn Son

The central thought of the book of Romans is not justification, sanctification, or even glorification, but sonship – God desires to have many sons to bring into glory, and for this Christ Himself as a man in the flesh was designated the Son of God in power in His resurrection (Rom. 1:3-4) to be the […]
An Uplifted View of Christ’s Resurrection in Which He was Designated the Son of God

The highest peak of the divine revelation, the highest truth in the Bible, and the highest gospel in the entire universe is that in Christ God became a man so that He may make God in life and nature but not in the Godhead and to make Himself one with man and man one with […]