Deny the Self by the Cross to be Dependent on the Lord and on the Body of Christ

The self is the soul declaring independence from God and from the Body of Christ; we need to deny the self and be dependent on the Lord and on the Body, for only when the self-life has been utterly dealt with by the cross are we able to touch the reality of the Body of […]

Denying the Self by the Cross to Depend on the Lord and on the Body of Christ

The greatest enemy of the Body is the self, the soul declaring independence from God and from the Body; when we see a vision of the self and depend on the Lord and on the members of the Body, we have the Lord’s presence, are full of peace, and touch the reality of the Body. […]

The Patterns of the Flock are Vessels of Christ and Men of Prayer Serving the Saints

We need to shepherd the flock of God by being patterns of the flock, that is, by following the pattern of those who are before us and by being a pattern to others in our living. The apostle Paul, as a pattern to all the believers the members of the Body of Christ, lived Christ […]

The God of Peace will Crush Satan under our Feet as we Corporately Enjoy Christ as Peace

When we in the church life are dependent on the Lord and on the Body, and when we enjoy Christ and experience Him as our peace offering in the Body, the God of peace will crush Satan under our feet shortly. The God of peace crushes Satan under the feet of those who live the […]

When we’re Body-Conscious we Depend on the Body just as we Depend on Christ the Head

When we have a revelation of the Body of Christ and realize we are members of the Body, we will be Body-conscious; any individualistic thought and action will be ruled out, and we will depend on the Body in everything. Our human life is an individualistic life, and as we grow up in today’s society, […]

Denying the Self by being Dependent on God and on the Body of Christ in Experience

Because the self is the soul declaring independence from God, the self is the greatest problem and frustration to the building up of the Body; we need to be those are dependent on God and on the Body, rejecting ourselves and denying the self for the building up of the church. The origin of the self […]