The self is the soul declaring independence from God and from the Body of Christ; we need to deny the self and be dependent on the Lord and on the Body, for only when the self-life has been utterly dealt with by the cross are we able to touch the reality of the Body of […]
Deny the Self by the Cross to be Dependent on the Lord and on the Body of Christ
Experience Christ as the Wheat – the Christ who is Willing to Die and be Buried

What an amazing fact that today we can experience Christ as the wheat – the Christ who is willing to be limited, to die, and be buried! Today we can experience Christ as the reality of good land, a land of wheat and barley; the wheat typifies the incarnated, crucified, and buried Christ – […]
Eat the Tree of Life to be Dependent on God, and Saved from Independence and Rebellion

Eating the tree of life causes us to be dependent on God, to depend on Him as our life, but eating the tree of knowledge of good and evil causes us to rebel against God and be independent of Him. Oh, Lord Jesus! Our Christian life is not a matter of doing the right […]
The Two Principles of Living and our Need to Live according to the Principle of Life

From the very beginning of the Bible we see that God put two choices in front of man: the tree of life and the tree of knowledge of good and evil; today we need to live in the principle of life by depending on God. Moses did the same thing: in Deut. 30 he put […]
Denying the Self by being Dependent on God and on the Body of Christ in Experience

Because the self is the soul declaring independence from God, the self is the greatest problem and frustration to the building up of the Body; we need to be those are dependent on God and on the Body, rejecting ourselves and denying the self for the building up of the church. The origin of the self […]