Learning to Depend on the Lord by having a Life of Continual Fellowship with Him

As believers in Christ, we are not and cannot be independent – we constantly depend on the Lord, and we should consult God related to every problem that we encounter. The entire Bible shows us that in this universe there is a divine romance, a romance between God and man. God fell in love with […]

Choose the Way of Life and Live in the Principle of Life, and Reject the Way of Death

The Bible presents us two trees which are two sources issuing in two ways, two principles, and two consummations; we can either choose the way of life or the way of death, and we will arrive either in the New Jerusalem or in the lake of fire. There is a choice before us: will we […]

We Realize that God is the Source of Blessing, we Deny Ourselves and Trust in Him

The Lord Jesus as our pattern told us to learn from Him, for He is meek and lowly in heart; He took the Father as the source of blessing, and we also realize that without God we cannot do anything, and His blessing is everything to us. We need to learn Christ as the reality […]

The Two Principles of Living and our Need to Live according to the Principle of Life

From the very beginning of the Bible we see that God put two choices in front of man: the tree of life and the tree of knowledge of good and evil; today we need to live in the principle of life by depending on God. Moses did the same thing: in Deut. 30 he put […]

Denying the Self by the Cross to Depend on the Lord and on the Body of Christ

The greatest enemy of the Body is the self, the soul declaring independence from God and from the Body; when we see a vision of the self and depend on the Lord and on the members of the Body, we have the Lord’s presence, are full of peace, and touch the reality of the Body. […]

We are being made Ready to Enter into the Good Land to Take the Land and Possess it

Today in the church life in the Lord’s recovery we are being made ready, willing, and in one accord with the Lord and with all the saints to take the land and possess it by enjoying the all-inclusive Christ, to posses and enjoy the good land. For us to enter into the possession and enjoyment […]

Being the Overcomers of Today, the Weak ones Depending on the Lord to be His Armies

As we become mature in the divine life, we become the duplication of Christ to match Him for our marriage, and we as the weak ones depending on the Lord to be His overcomers – even His armies. In Song of Songs toward the end we see how the lover of Christ becomes the Shulammite, […]