In the beginning of Genesis we see that God created man in His image and according to His likeness, and He intended that man would express Him and represent Him (Gen. 1:26-28). Then, at the end of Genesis, we see Jacob who expressed God in His image and, through Joseph, represented God with His dominion […]
Living a Self-Denying Life under the Heavenly Vision to Bring in God’s Kingdom
Living under the Rulership of the Spirit within and Recognizing God’s Sovereignty

In Joseph we see a person who accepted everything from God’s hand, one who did not blame or accuse others but lived a life under the rulership of the Spirit. He had feelings and emotions, but he kept them in check, and he didn’t express his excitement or his sorrow. The rulership of the Spirit is […]
Our Self is the Greatest Enemy of the Body: We Need to Deny it and Live by God’s Life

As believers in Christ we are not meant to live in an individualistic way – we are members of the Body of Christ. However, do we have the realization that we are members of the Body? Do we live in the Body of Christ? Do we depend on the Lord as the Head and on […]
Prayer is the Real Denying of the Self, the Real: No Longer I But Christ!
![Prayer is the Real Denying of the Self, the Real: No Longer I But Christ! [in the picture: Gal. 2:20]](
God needs men of prayer, men who habitually and continually pray by exercising their spirit to pray themselves into God and receive His life supply. Prayer is so full of meaning, it accomplishes so much, and it is so much overlooked and neglected! To pray really means that we as Christians realize that by ourselves, […]
The Lord Jesus Worked in the Father’s Name and He Sought the Father’s Will
![The Lord Jesus Worked in the Father's Name and He Sought the Father's Will [in the picture: Christ is a genuine man: the perfect and finest man! Obedient, serving, no appearance of evil! The finest personality - divinity expressed through humanity!]](
The Lord Jesus as the first God-man is our pattern and our model, becoming a mold in which we as the many God-men are being put to be conformed to His image. In His being, Christ was a man filled with God, a mingling of divinity with humanity. In His work, Christ didn’t do anything […]
to not lose our inner feeling we need to turn to our spirit! (2011 winter school of truth)
It was great experience for me to be again at the Winter School of the Truth in London, UK. Through the messages I realized that my spirit was so deadened… Brother Tom shared that if we touch a hot object, we can lose our feeling or sense of that part – the skin can become callus. If we keep a continual contact with the world and keep touching it, we can also lose our feeling or sense, just like the people today. So it’s very easy to lose our feeling…. To not lose our sense we have to deny our self and our soul life (old man), and we need to turn to the spirit! [continue reading online – a short sharing from a brother’s top enjoyment in the Winter School of truth]
exercising the key of denying the self to shut the gates of Hades and build the church
We need the Lord to shine on us and show us a vision of the self. From the very beginning in the garden of Eden we see that the self is the soul declaring its independence from God. When we are no longer dependent on God but “take matters into our own hands”, we are in the self. The self is the greatest problem to the building up of the Body, and the self is opposing the Body. The principle of the Body is depending on the Lord and depending on the brothers and the sisters… To be independent of the brothers and sisters equals being independent of Christ, but when we are dependent, the self is gone, and instead of the self, we have the Lord’s presence and are full of peace. [continue reading online]