On the day of His wedding, Christ will marry His overcomers, those who have been fighting the battle against God’s enemy for years; He will marry the overcomers, who have already overcome the evil one. This is what we are here for, and this is what the Lord’s recovery is for, to bring the Lord […]
Christ will Marry His Overcomers as His Bride, those who Fought the Enemy and Overcame
Twelve Qualifications of a Person who Represents God Rightly in His Economy Today
As a conclusion to our week on the subject of, Being Fully Reconciled to God and Enlarged in Heart to Represent God Rightly in His Economy, today we want to see some qualifications of a person who represents God rightly on earth. God created us in His image and according to His likeness so that […]
God’s Work needs Man’s Cooperation, not his Initiation, Opinions, and Suggestions
According to what the Bible tells us concerning our service to God, God’s work needs man’s cooperation, but it doesn’t require man’s initiation; God wants us to serve Him and love Him, but He doesn’t need us to initiate things in God’s work. Both in the Old and in the New Testament we see many […]
Seeing the Expressions of the Self to Deny the Self for the Building of the Church
The Lord Jesus said that, if we want to follow Him, we should deny the self; today we want to see what are some expressions of the self and how we can exercise the key of denying the self to lock up the self in every situation. What is the self, and why do we […]
What are the Gates of Hades and how can we use the Keys of the Kingdom to Close them
Matthew 16 is a very enlightening chapter in the Bible in our seeing how the direction of the Lord’s move today is to bring in the kingdom of God; in this chapter we have the way to build up the church and the enemy of the building of God. The matter of the direction of […]
Being and Praying for the Overcomers who are One with God to Cooperate with His Move
God can do much more through our prayer than through our work and words; we need to be the overcomers of today who serve God by praying according to His heart and will. In this universe, there’s the divine will, the satanic will, and the human will; our will is not “free” – we need to willingly […]
Judging Ourselves as Nothing: we are what we are by the Grace of God for God’s Building
In our review and enjoyment of the intrinsic significance of the materials of the temple, we have seen that both in the tabernacle and in the temple gold overlays wood, that is, God is mingled with man. The building of God, God’s temple, is a matter of God being mingled with man; God’s building is […]