The whole world lies in the evil one and tries to draw us and entice us, and we need to know the power of the cross of Christ to be delivered from the world; furthermore, we need to come to the Triune God and to His word to be delivered from the world. As […]
Come to the Triune God and His Word to be Delivered from the World lying in the Evil one
Eating Christ as our Passover and as our Heavenly Food to be Constituted with Christ

In our Christian life, there are at least three stages of eating, corresponding to the picture seek with the people of Israel’s eating: eating Christ as our Passover, eating Christ as our heavenly food to be reconstituted with Him, and eating Him as the rich produce of the good land to become His overcomers. These […]
Being Separated from the World in all its Aspects and Enjoying God as the Living Waters

In order for us as the church to accomplish God’s economy, we need to be separated from the world in all of its aspects. Amen! This week in our crystallization-study of Jeremiah and Lamentations we come to a not-so-positive matter, that is, God’s Judgement upon Egypt and Babylon. In the book of Jeremiah we see […]
We are Serving God by Feasting with God to Enjoy God with God and to Worship God

Knowing God and knowing God’s ways leads us to serving God; we are saved by God and delivered by Him from the usurpation of the world so that we may serve God. The matter of serving God is a grand subject in the Bible, and this week we are approaching it in the context of […]
Being Delivered from the World by the Power of our Saving God and by Eating Christ

God’s deliverance of His people Israel from Egypt was through the Passover, the exodus, and the crossing the Red Sea. The Passover is foundational, basic, and critical for the sake of our exiting the world (typified by the exodus from Egypt) and going through baptism (typified by crossing the Red Sea), making it clear that […]
God wants to Deliver us from the World (a place of bondage) that we may Serve Him

Genesis records the history of many individual people who were called by God, but Exodus is a book on the corporate history of God’s people. When it speaks of God’s salvation, provision, revelation, and building, Exodus tells us of God’s saving His people, supplying His people with living water and heavenly manna, giving a revelation […]
Taking God’s Building as the Direction of our Life by being Delivered from the World

After seeing the central thought of Exodus, the purpose of the book of Exodus, and God’s goal and His divine thought in Exodus, today we want to see what the direction of the book of Exodus is. All the events, things, people, and situations in Exodus are working together and heading toward one direction: the […]