In looking at the matter of the bronze serpent lifted up in the wilderness in Num. 21, we realise that the entire Bible speaks of this matter of the serpent and the bride, and the Bible ends with the marriage of the Spirit and the Bride and the defeat of the serpent. Hallelujah, we who […]
Growing in Life to be Delivered from the Serpent’s Poison and become Christ’s Bride
Knowing the Purpose of our Calling and Dealing with Satan, the Flesh, and the World

God’s calling of Moses is a pattern to us, and in order for us to be qualified to serve God we need to see certain things and deal with certain things. First of all, we need to see the vision of the burning thornbush – God is the fire burning in the church as the […]
Two Fathers in John 8 – The Father of Truth and The Father of Lies(light shining in the home meeting!)
Recently in a home meeting we were joined by a new one whose concept was that God is his Father through God’s creation of humanity. To answer his question / give a Biblical approach to this, we went to John 8 and we read through the whole chapter. It is quite startling that in this chapter […]
transferred out of the authority of darkness into the kingdom of the Son of His love

Many wonderful things happened to us when we believed in the Lord: we called on the name of the Lord, we received the divine life, our sins were washed away, we were redeemed, we were reconciled to God, we were regenerated/re-born, we had a new fresh start in our life, we were justified, we became […]