In order for us to serve God, we need to consecrate to Him with our whole being; we need to consecrate all we are and have to God for His service, presenting our bodies a living sacrifice, holy, well-pleasing to God, which is our reasonable service. Amen! It is reasonable for us as believers […]
We Consecrate Ourselves with all we are and Have to God to Serve Him in the Body
It is more Blessed to Give than to Receive: the more we Give, the More God Blesses!

The Christian way of managing wealth is: what we receive depends on what we give; it is better to give than to receive, and the more we give, the more we receive. Our way as believers in Christ is not to accumulate things, riches, and wealth, under the cloak of “God blesses us”; it […]
We need to be Delivered from the Love of Money so that we may Worship God and Serve Him

As believers in Christ we should worship God and not money, and we need to be delivered from the love of money, for it is a root of all evils; when we deal with money in an absolute way, God has a way to use us for His purpose. Amen! How we thank and praise […]
Being Truly Delivered from Money to Serve God for the Building up of the Church

As believers in Christ who want to follow Him and serve Him, we need to be delivered from money so that, though we may gain spoils from the world, these would be used for the building up of the church and not for our worship of idols. Oh, Lord! The Gospels clearly show us how […]