As believers in Christ, we need to have God’s view concerning the material riches, not setting our hope on the uncertainty of riches but on God, who richly supplies all things for our enjoyment; we need to do good, be rich in good works, be ready to distribute, and be willing to share so […]
Set our hope in God who Richly Supplies all Things and being willing to share our Surplus
We need to Offer up Ourselves with what we are and have to the Lord and for the Gospel

When we offer what we are and what we have to the Lord, there’s a sweet-smelling fragrance, a fragrant odour, that rises to God; He blesses us and richly cares for us, and He wants to gain us, the person, as we give ourselves with all we are and have to Him. This week […]
Being Truly Delivered from Money to Serve God for the Building up of the Church

As believers in Christ who want to follow Him and serve Him, we need to be delivered from money so that, though we may gain spoils from the world, these would be used for the building up of the church and not for our worship of idols. Oh, Lord! The Gospels clearly show us how […]
To be the Lord’s Disciples we should Sell all we have, have no Excess and Follow Jesus

For us to follow the Lord and be His disciple, we need to sell all we have and follow Him; before the Lord, we must continually give away our money, being delivered from mammon and following Him in a pure and unentangled way. We are a different kind of people, we believers in Christ; we […]
Seeking to be Rich before the Lord, Rich in God, by Investing in the Heavenly Bank

As believers in Christ, we need to be saved and delivered from mammon, and we need to be rich before the Lord, depositing our money in the heavenly bank and not seeking to be rich on earth. When the Lord was on earth, He didn’t seek to be rich, neither did He encourage His followers […]
Being Delivered from Mammon to inherit Eternal Life, enter the Kingdom and be Saved

As believers in Christ, we need to realize that being delivered from mammon is part of our salvation; for us to receive eternal life, to enter the kingdom of the heavens, and to be saved, we need to be delivered from mammon. In God’s eyes, mammon is an idol, even one of the biggest idols; […]
Mammon is an Idol: We need to be Saved from Mammon and Serve the Living and True God

As believers in Christ, we have been turned from idols to serve a living and true God; mammon is an idol, demanding worship, and we need to be saved from mammon in our experience. Amen! This week we come to a new Holy Word for Morning Revival on the matter of, Material Offerings and the […]