Due to the fact that Abraham was short of faith in believing God concerning the promise of the land, God entered into a covenant with him to strengthen his faith. He instructed Abraham to get three cattle and two birds and slaughter / cut the cattle but leave the birds alive. Whenever someone offered something […]
Being Identified with Christ in His Death and Resurrection to Live the Church Life
We are In Christ: His Death and Resurrection are Our Experience for the Church Life

After Noah built the ark according to God’s divine revelation and instructions, he and his whole family entered into it – together with the animals – and God shut the door behind them. As we build up Christ in our experience day by day, working out our own salvation by enjoying Christ, loving Him, talking […]
The Church as Christ’s Counterpart Was Produced Through Christ’s Death and Resurrection

It is a great thing to see that God desires to gain a wife, a counterpart and that the entire Bible tells us what God has done, is doing, and will do to obtain her. Genesis 2 especially tells us the story of Adam and Eve as a type of Christ and the church. The […]
Our Natural Ability Must be Brought Into Resurrection to Become Useful to the Lord

Paul’s aspiration in Phil. 3:10-11 was to know Christ and the power of His resurrection, … if perhaps he would attain to the out-resurrection from the dead. He wanted to gain Christ and to be fully brought into resurrection. As believers in Christ we need to have a deep realization that our entire natural being […]
living by the resurrection life to be in the reality of the Body of Christ

Paul’s aspiration and prayer in Phil. 3:10 was that he would know Christ and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death. We need to ask ourselves, How much do we live, serve, and do things in the resurrection life? We may have a good coordination with […]
the way to build up the church as the kingdom of God is death and resurrection
What is the way to build up the church? As revealed by the Lord in Matt. 16:16-18 and then in 21-26, the way the church is built up in a practical way is through death and resurrection. The Lord Jesus builds up the church through His death and resurrection – if He would have not died on the cross for us and if He would have not resurrected, there would be no church. It is the same with us today – if we do not die to ourselves and if we don’t live the resurrection life in the church life, we do not build up the church. [continue reading this article online]
appreciating the Lord Jesus in His wonderful death and resurrection as seen in Psalms 16:9-11
Psalms 16 is a short psalm but reveals so much about the Lord Jesus in His human living, His death, His resurrection, and His ascension – even without mentioning these words. This One, the Lord Jesus Christ, is the Beloved of the Father, the Firstborn Son of God, the One who fulfills God’s heart’s desire […]