Praise the Lord, our old man is buried with Christ and our resurrected new man is living and working one with the Triune God! Our baptism into the death of Christ leads us into the resurrection of Christ to enjoy Christ as the all-inclusive good land, walk in Him, and be built up in Him; […]
Our Old Man is Buried with Christ and our Resurrected New Man is Living one with God
Experience Christ in His Death and Resurrection to be a new man Fighting the Battle for the Good Land

As believers in Christ, we are called by God to take the good land, the all-inclusive Christ; for this, we need to realize that our old man is not qualified – we need to be buried in the death of Christ and be resurrected with Christ to become a new man in Christ for the […]
Find the Lord’s Words and Eat Them: the Words the Lord speaks to us are Spirit and Life

The Word of God, the Bible, is our divine supply to be our food; the Bible is God’s speaking, the word that proceeds out of is mouth, it is the embodiment of God in Christ as the Spirit, and the words spoken to us by the Lord are spirit and life. This week we come […]
Drink the Water of Life in Resurrection to Build up the Body and Prepare the Bride

When we come to the Lord to drink the water of life in resurrection, we receive and enjoy all that He is and has accomplished, and we are made the members of the Body and are prepared to be the bride of Christ. Hallelujah, it is all accomplished by our drinking the living water! We […]
Being in the Resurrection Life of Christ to have the Authority of Christ as the Church

We need to enjoy and experience Christ as a land of iron stones; iron signifies the authority of Christ, and we can have this authority when we live in the resurrection life of Christ. In our enjoyment and experience of Christ we need to advance and progress from merely enjoying Him as the foodstuffs to […]
We Experience Christ in His Resurrection as our Authority in the God-given Ministry

In Num. 17 we see God’s vindication of His appointed authority, which is the budding rod of Aaron; this shows that we need to experience Christ in His resurrection in the God-given ministry. In Num. 16 we see the general rebellion of the leaders and the people of Israel against Moses and Aaron, and we […]
Not Exercising our Choice but going through Death and Resurrection to Enjoy Christ

The book of Numbers reveals the pre-arrangement of the distribution of the good land, which typifies the enjoyment of the rich Christ according to God’s choice; in particular, we want to see that we shouldn’t exercise our choice in this. God gave the land to Israel; He promised it to their forefathers, and He brought […]