As people of the kingdom of God, we believers in Christ live a hidden life, not performing our righteous deeds before men; rather, we give, we pray, and we fast in secret, having much secret growth in life before the Lord, so that our heavenly Father, who sees in secret, would reward us and be […]
Kingdom People have Secret Growth in Life before God and do Righteous Deeds in Secret
Pray to be One with Christ, Put the Flesh to Death one with the Spirit, and Live in Spirit

For us to deal with the flesh, we need to pray to be one with Christ, put the flesh to death one with the Spirit, and live in the mingled spirit. The main purpose of the record of Genesis is not to show the fall of man but to show how much God’s grace […]
Allowing God’s Light to Expose the Good Aspects of our Flesh and Not Rebelling against God

We may agree with God to put to death the ugly and evil aspects of our flesh, but we may treasure the good aspects of our flesh and spare them, not wanting to destroy them, but God wants to utterly destroy the flesh; even our doing good according to our own will is an […]
The Flesh is the Greatest Destroyer of the Christian Life: God hates it and will Exterminate it

The greatest destroyer of the Christian life is the flesh, typified by Amalek, who was warlike, the leading enemy in frustrating us from going on with the Lord; the Lord wants us to fully deal with the flesh and have no compromise with the flesh. Amen! This week in our Crystallization-study of 1 and […]
Eating Christ as our Unique Food Displaces the Flesh and Reconstitutes us with Christ

By giving His people only manna to eat in the wilderness, God dealt with their flesh and at the same time reconstituted them with the heavenly food; by eating Christ as the unique heavenly food, our flesh is dealt with and displaced, and we are reconstituted with Christ to become the dwelling place of God. […]
Knowing the Body and Engaging in Spiritual Warfare by being for God and Obeying Him

We need to grow in life unto maturity until we reach the fourth stage of our spiritual experience and spiritual life – Christ’s full growth in us; this stage is of engaging in spiritual warfare, where Christ is fully grown and matured in us. In the first stage of the experience of life we experience […]
Living a Holy Life with no Mixture by Contacting Christ to Experience Him

For us to live a holy life, a life that befits our priesthood, we need to contact the perfect Christ, enjoying Him and experiencing Him day by day, and live a life with no mixture. We need to live a life without mixture, not mixing our living by the life of God with living by […]