Our heart is the entrance and exit to our whole being; we need to deal with our heart and keep our heart with all vigilance, for from it are the issues of life (Prov 4:23). Especially as we grow up humanly and also spiritually, we need to learn the lesson of keeping our heart, maintaining […]
We need to Keep our Heart with all Vigilance and Deal with our Heart to have a Pure Heart
When we see God in Spirit, we Gain God, we’re Transformed by God, and we Deny Ourselves

When Job saw God, he gained God in his personal experience and he abhorred himself; when we see God by the exercise of our spirit, we are constituted with God, we deny ourselves, and we take Him as our secret of sufficiency. Amen! This week we were exploring the great question in the book of […]
Dig away and Deal with the things Condemned by the Lord in our Heart and Conscience

For us to have the flow of the divine life out of our innermost being, we must dig away the many things condemned by the Lord in our heart and also deal with our conscience to have it purified. As believers in Christ, we have drank of the smitten rock – which is Christ, and […]
Deep Calls unto Deep: Sending Roots into Christ and having Deep Experiences of Him

The kingdom life – the life and living of the kingdom of God – is a life that can take root downward and bear fruit upward; deep calls unto deep, so Christ needs to take root down in our heart, and we need to take root deep in Christ as the all-inclusive Christ. When the […]
Being Freed from Everything that Usurps God in us for Christ to Increase in our Being

In order for us as believers in Christ to have the increase of Christ, we need to let Christ grow in us and be freed from anything that usurps the place of God; for Christ to increase in us involves the removal of any idols or things that usurp God and the adding of the element […]
It is Crucial to Deal with our Heart and be Pure in Heart Loving the Lord

The Lord Jesus as life came into our spirit, and He desires to spread into every part of our inward being so that He may make His home in us (Eph. 3:17). The key to allowing the Lord to grow in us is our heart – if we have problems in our heart or if […]
Being Joined to God’s Desire Through His Word by Dealing with Our Whole Being

Daniel was a person who not only read the Scriptures but he joined himself to God’s desire through His word. When Daniel read in Leviticus concerning the fact that God doesn’t want His people to eat anything that is offered to the idols, he immediately rejected to eat the king’s food and would rather eat […]