As believers in Christ, we need to see that the living of the jubilee is the living in the enjoyment of Christ, a living of enjoying God as our inheritance and our real freedom in our daily living, for we learn to take God as the primary factor and center of our living. Amen! This […]
Have the Living of the Jubilee and Proclaim Christ as the Jubilee
Christ takes All-inclusive, Tender Care of us: He Shepherds us in the Enjoyment of Himself

The Lord as our Shepherd gathers us, His sheep, and brings us back to Himself as our allotted portion of the good land, so that we may enjoy the resurrected and ascended Christ, drink of the Spirit as the flowing river, and enjoy His all-inclusive, tender care. As we enjoy His shepherding, we are brought […]
The Degree of our Enjoyment of Christ as our Peace Offering depends on our Condition

Christ as our peace offering is strong and rich for our enjoyment, but in our experience our enjoyment of Christ as our peace offering depends on our condition and situation before God. The peace offering could be of different animals from the herd or from the flock (different size) and it could be male or […]
The Practical Life and Building up of the Body come from the Enjoyment of Christ

As believers in Christ we received the gospel of grace and believed in Jesus Christ, and we daily under a marvelous divine transmission of grace: God is supplying the Spirit of grace bountifully, and we should be receiving and dispensing the Spirit of grace continually. We need to daily come to the throne of grace […]
Let us Enjoy the All-Inclusive Christ as the Reality of All the Positive Things!

The focus and center of the heavenly vision is Christ Himself, the reality of all the positive things in the universe. The heavenly vision centers on Christ and takes Him as the focus, and this One is everything to us. The all-inclusive Christ lives in us to be our all, and He in us is […]
our daily enjoyment of Christ leads us to the continual enjoyment of God in the house of God!
As individual Christians we can experience God and enjoy God only in a limited way, but when we grow and realise that spirituality is a Body matter and that the Triune God is mingled witht he church as the Body of Christ, we will see that our God is the God of the Body of Christ, the God of the House of God! God is not just the God IN the house of God, but the God OF the house of God, the God who makes Himself known as our enjoyment only when we are built into His house as His dwelling place.