Culture was not just invented by man when he lost God and went away from God’s presence; the instigator behind human culture – which is a godless culture – is Satan, who wants man to be independent of God and united with him, even though man doesn’t know this. The way the human culture was […]
Stand one with God for the New Man and Reject the Godless Culture instigated by Satan
Because man Lost God, he Invented Culture to Replace Him, but only God can Satisfy us!

Culture was invented as a replacement for God, for when man lost God, he lost everything, so he had to invent certain things to make up for what God was to him. Behind culture is the enemy of God, the one who deceived man and caused him to sin; the enemy wants to replace God […]
Being Delivered from our Culture, the Authority of Darkness, as a Substitute for Christ

Praise the Lord, He has delivered us out of the authority of darkness and transferred us into the kingdom of the Son of God’s love! The kingdom of darkness refers especially to the good aspects of our culture and of our natural being; anything that is a substitute for Christ is the authority of darkness […]
Seeing how Culture Replaces Christ and Taking the way of the Cross for the New Man

Our urgent need today is to see how our culture replaces Christ, how culture distracts us from Christ, and how we need to allow the cross to operate in us to remove and purge culture from us so that we may have Christ as our everything, our all in all. This week we come to […]