The oneness which the believers have in the Body of Christ is not a man-made oneness and is not produced by adding the believers together for a common purpose. Rather, the oneness the believers have in the Body is the processed Triune God as the Spirit applied to their being. Such a oneness is organic […]
being anointed and graced as we remain the church life on the ground of oneness
the application of the heavenly “paint” brings us into the genuine oneness
It is the Lord’s mercy that we would see what real oneness in the Body of Christ is. The real oneness among the believers is not according to preference, taste, disposition, or culture, but it is the mingling of the processed Triune God with the believers. The oneness revealed in the whole New Testament is […]
the mysterious mingling of God with man is the oneness of the Body of Christ
In Ephesians 4:3-6 we see that we as believers in Christ already have the oneness – we just need to keep the oneness of the Spirit in the uniting bond of peace! Oneness is in our spirit and oneness actually is the mingling of the divine Spirit with our human spirit, the mingling of the […]
the saints’ living together in oneness in the church life is blessed by God
This week we are enjoying the wonderful Psalm 133 concerning the Lord’s commanded blessing on the brothers dwelling in oneness. Our church life is not an individual life but a corporate life, a collective life, and our experience of the church life has at least four aspects: it is a corporate experience, an ascending experience, […]
the situation of the overcomers in Zion, the place where God is fully at rest
Psalm 132 is the praise of David in his going up to Zion concerning Jehovah’s habitation and rest in Zion. God desires Zion and He finds rest here, and David also desires God’s dwelling place! The place of God’s rest is Zion, the overcomers. There must be brothers and sisters in whose being Christ Himself […]
having a humbled heart and a quieted soul to become Mount Zion for God’s rest
In Psalm 131 we see the praise of a saint in his going up to Zion concerning his humbled heart and his quieted soul before Jehovah. In order for God to dwell in us and be at rest in us, we need to have a quieted soul and a humbled heart. He shepherds us continually […]
seeing the preciousness of Zion and Jerusalem, and fully trusting in the Lord
There is a specific group of Psalms – from 120 to 134 – that is called, Songs of Ascents. These do not speak of the law but they relate to the matter of captivity. The law brings you to captivity if you try to keep it in yourself with your own strength; the people of […]