We need to keep our heart, guard our heart, with all vigilance, for from it come the issues of life; the fountain of life, the source and issues of life, spring out from our heart, so our heart needs to be dealt with. Our heart is so complicated because our heart has a lot of […]
We need to Guard our Heart above all because out of it are the Issues, the Flow of Life
We need to Keep our Heart with all Vigilance and Deal with our Heart to have a Pure Heart

Our heart is the entrance and exit to our whole being; we need to deal with our heart and keep our heart with all vigilance, for from it are the issues of life (Prov 4:23). Especially as we grow up humanly and also spiritually, we need to learn the lesson of keeping our heart, maintaining […]
The spirit of man is the lamp of Jehovah shining in us and enlightening our inward parts

The Spirit of man is the lamp of Jehovah, searching all the innermost parts of our inner being (Prov. 20:27); our spirit is God’s lamp within us, and God’s Spirit is in our spirit shining into all the parts of our inner being to enlighten and expose and enliven us. Amen! This is a great […]
Pay the Price to Buy the Truth and Stand for the Absoluteness of the Present Truth

We need to buy truth and not sell it; we need to pay the price to buy the truth, be absolute for the truth, stand on the side of the truth, not compromise the truth, and be absolute for the present truth. Prov. 23:23 tells us that we should buy truth and not sell it. […]
We Live a Life of Godliness by being Governed and Energized by the Heavenly Vision

Prov. 29:18a says, Where there is no vision, the people cast off restraint; we need to see the heavenly vision and be governed by it, even be controlled and directed by it, so that our life may be full of meaning and purpose. This week in our Crystallization-study of Proverbs we come to the topic […]
Exercise our Spirit over God’s Word for the Written Word to become the Applied Word

In our experience as believers in Christ, the written word of God needs to become the living word spoken by God to us which is applied to us by and in the Spirit to become our subjective faith; we need to turn the Bible into a book that is full of life, light, spirit, and […]
Receive the Living and Operative Word of God with a Praying Spirit to Divide soul from spirit

The word of God is living and operative, sharper than any two-edged sword, able to discern the thoughts and intentions of the heart, piercing even to the dividing of soul and spirit; we need to take the word of God in with a praying spirit so that we can build up our new man and […]