The center of the book of Malachi, the last book of the Old Testament, is the healing Christ – He is the Sun of righteousness with healing in His wings (Mal. 3:1-3; 4:2). What we see as the condition of God’s people at that time is that they were obsessed self-deceived, in the darkness of self-deception. […]
Seeing what Obsession Really Is and Being Healed from Any Obsession
We’re on the Last Part of the Journey to Meet the Lord: Let’s Keep Rowing!

The signs of the Lord’s second return can be clearly seen in the world today, from the political situation and the union of the European countries to become the revived Roman empire, to the gospel of the kingdom being preached to the whole inhabited earth as a testimony before the end would come (Matt. 24:14-15). […]
seeing the signs of the Lord’s second coming and of the consummation of the age

Christians, Jews, and all people alike wonder what is the end, what will it happen, and what’s the consummation of this age. There are books on the rapture and being “left behind” series, and there are even movies on this. But we as believers in Christ need to study the Bible and get into the […]
God will shake all things and Christ as the Desire of the nations will come

Christ is the desire of all the nations. Hag. 2:7 says, And I will shake all the nations, and the Desire of all the nations will come. God is continually shaking everything that can be shaken until Christ as the Desire of all the nations will come. Without knowing it, every human being desires Christ. […]
enjoying God’s visitation and practicing the scriptural way to meet and serve

Isn’t it so wonderful to be in the Father’s house, in the house of God, in the church? Here we see the continuation and the propagation of the life of God in so many human beings, our brothers and sisters. Here we learn to build up the church as the Father’s house, the house of […]
building up the church by growing in life and letting Christ make His home in us

The Father’s house, the house of Jehovah, is an entity in the divine life – there’s nothing of organization or human activity here, but there’s the flow and the growth in the divine life. For us to build up the church as the Father’s house we need to daily grow in life. Since it is […]
seeing the significance of the Father’s house and being mingled more with God

The Father’s house is what is on God’s heart – He wants to obtain a house, a dwelling place, where He can express Himself in and through His people. When God gets a built up church as His house, He will be fully expressed and His glory will shine. To Christ, this is the Body […]