As those who love the Lord and practice living in His presence daily, we realize that He is our Husband and we are His bride, His wife; as such, we should not forget our Husband but rather, seek the Lord’s counsel and check with Him concerning everything. This is an important lesson to learn, and […]
As believers and Lovers of Christ, we need to Seek the Counsel of Jehovah in all Things
Being Delivered from Hypocrisy by Worshipping God in Spirit and Gaining Christ as our Treasure

We need to beware of hypocrisy, pretending to be someone when we’re not, and hate the principle of Babylon; instead of this, we need to store up Christ as our treasure in our heart so that we may dispense Him as the treasure into others. Amen! It is of utmost importance for us to take […]
Being Ruled by the Firsthand Presence of the Lord to Enjoy the All-inclusive Christ

In our Christian life and church life, the presence of the Lord, His smile, is the governing principle; we need to learn to be kept, ruled, governed and guided not by His secondhand presence but by the direct presence of God, the firsthand presence of the Lord, which is our power and strength to enter […]
God’s Presence is Everything to us, so we Practice being One with the Lord Daily

In our Christian walk and in our service to God in the church, God’s presence is everything to us; therefore, we need to be one with God in spirit, living in the mingled spirit to have His constant presence with us. This is seen throughout the Bible and in particular in the book of Joshua. […]
Turn to God, have an Active Faith, and be Joined to God’s People to Bring forth Christ

Regardless of our background, if we turn to God and His people and are joined to the proper person among God’s people (in a spiritual sense), having an active faith in God, we will bring forth proper fruit and participate in the enjoyment of the birthright of Christ. This week in our crystallization study of […]
Having the Constant Application of Christ’s Death to our Flesh and Remembering the Lord

Even though we may be disciplined, trained, and qualified, we still need further preparation before spiritual warfare; we need to experience spiritual circumcision (the constant application of Christ’s death to our flesh) and remember the Lord as our Redeemer and Savior to be our constant enjoyment. Hallelujah! We see this in type with the children […]
Our Dying is our Working, for when Death operates in Us, Life is Ministered to others

Just as the priests stepped first in the Jordan River and remained there until the people of Israel crossed, the Lord needs us to die so that life may work in others; our dying is our working, and when we die, we minister life to others. What an amazing principle and what a secret to […]