According to the new covenant, God is our God and we are His people (He is our inheritance and we are His inheritance), and we can know God subjectively (by living according to the sense of life in our spirit). How wonderful and rich is the new covenant! May we know the bequests of the […]
God is our Inheritance, we are His Inheritance, and we Know God by the Sense of Life
Contact the Lord and Grow in Life for the Law of Life to Conform us to Christ’s Image

The law of the Spirit of life works automatically, spontaneously, and effortlessly in us as we contact the Lord; this law of life regulates our inner being, it imparts the divine element into every part and shapes us in the image of Christ to be conformed to the image of the Firstborn Son of God. […]
The Center of the New Covenant is the Inner Law of Life which Operates Spontaneously

Praise the Lord for the inner law of life, the law of the Spirit of life, which has been installed in our inner being at the time of our regeneration, to constitute us with the element of God, regulate us from within, and cause us to know God in the way of life! Hallelujah! In […]
The Blood of the Covenant Enables us to Enjoy God as our Portion and Brings us into God

Praise the Lord for the precious blood of Christ which gives us access to God! This blood is the blood of the covenant which enables us to partake of God and enjoy Him as our portion. Through the blood of Christ, we are qualified to enjoy and partake of all the bequests of the new […]
Based on the Blood of Christ, God Forgives and Forgets our Sins and we Fellowship with God

Praise the Lord, God is propitious to our unrighteousnesses and He forgives and forgets our sins according to the new covenant, based on the blood of Christ! And the more He forgives us, the more we love Him and fear Him, for He forgives and forgets our sins, erasing them from His memory! Praise the […]
We need to See and Appropriate the Contents of the New Covenant as God’s Bequests to us

Praise the Lord for the new covenant! We need to see and appropriate the contents of the new covenant as God’s bequests to us, from the forgiveness of our sins to the imparting of the law of life, having God as our God and being His people, and knowing God inwardly in the way of […]
Our Shepherding in Mutuality according to God’s Heart builds up the Body of Christ

The Lord Jesus is the Shepherd according to the heart of God, and He wants to reproduce Himself in all His believers so that there would be a mutual shepherding among the saints; the shepherding that builds up the Body of Christ is a shepherding in mutuality. What does it mean for us to shepherd […]