Jacob’s prophesying with blessing concerning Judah speaks of the victory of Christ, the kingdom of Christ, and the enjoyment and rest in Christ. In likening Judah to a lion that catches the prey and goes up to his place, resting and not being disturbed by anyone, Jacob actually spoke of Christ as the unique and […]
In His Kingship Christ Comes as the Peace Bringer: We Enjoy Him as our Rest in Peace
Jacob’s Prophesying with Blessing: Judah, a type of Christ as the Ultimate Overcomer

Jacob prophesied with blessing concerning his sons; according to the Old Testament, the twelve sons of Jacob are arranged in four groups of three. Jacob’s speaking concerning Reuben, Simeon, and Levi was not so positive: they didn’t receive the blessing but were rather scattered and even judged because of their disposition and actions. Their history […]
Our Natural Disposition can be Useful to the Lord in a Renewed and Transformed Way

Jacob’s prophesying with blessing in Genesis 49 applies both to the twelve tribes of Israel (his twelve sons) and to our Christian experience today in the church. In his blessing of the first three sons we don’t see many positive things – Reuben lost the birthright and didn’t receive the blessing because he indulged in […]
Jacob’s Prophesying with Blessing: Reuben (Warning Concerning Indulging in Lusts)

At the end of his life, Jacob blessed everyone and he prophesied with blessing for each one of his sons. By faith Jacob, while he was dying, blessed each of the sons of Joseph and worshipped God while leaning on the top of his staff (Heb. 11:21). After he finished prophesying with blessing concerning each […]
Being God-men with Blessing Hands and Prophesying with Blessing Concerning Others

If you read the story of Jacob in Genesis under the light of God’s clear shining and with the glasses of God’s economy on, you will be very much encouraged concerning your Christian life and church life. Jacob started by doing his best to supplant his brother even from their mother’s womb, and he succeeded […]
Blessing Others with the Triune God as their Enjoyment with No Natural Manoeuvring

Blessing, a word very much thrown around in Christianity today and yet so naturally understood, is nothing else than the Triune God dispensed into us to be our everything for our enjoyment. When Melchizedek met Abraham after he fought for his brother Lot and won, he blessed him with God the Most High. When God commanded […]
Jehovah Bless you, Keep you, Shine on You, be Gracious to you, and Give you Peace!

The real blessing is God Himself; blessing is not a thing but a Person – God in Christ as the Spirit to be everything to us for our enjoyment. When Jacob blessed his sons, God blessed them. In Numbers 6:22-27 we see a pattern of blessing – God commanded the priests to bless the people, […]