God’s original intention in creating man in His image and according to His likeness will be fulfilled in the millennium with the overcomers and ultimately in the New Jerusalem with all of God’s people who would have been transformed, renewed, and fully glorified to express God and represent Him corporately. Right now, we are in […]
Be Satisfied with Normal Days under the Divine Dispensing for God’s image and Dominion
Living in the Kingdom of the God’s Son and Being the New Man to Fulfill God’s Purpose

When God created man in His image and according to His likeness, He had an intention: He wanted man to express Him with His image and represent Him with His authority on the earth. The first man, Adam, failed to accomplish God’s original intention, but Christ, the second Man, came and fully fulfilled God’s intention […]
Image and Dominion in Romans: We’re Conformed to Christ’s Image and we Reign in Life

God created man in His image and according to His likeness so that man would express Him with His image and represent Him with His dominion over all the earth. In Genesis we see how Adam failed to express and represent God, but in the New Testament the Lord Jesus as the second man came […]
God’s Image and Dominion are Fulfilled in Christ and are the Issue of the Gospel

Genesis is a book of seeds, and throughout this book there are many seeds that are sown and later developed in the rest of the Bible, consummating in the book of Revelation where we see the harvest. The matters of image and dominion, the heart of Genesis, are sown as seeds in Genesis and then […]
Living a Self-Denying Life under the Heavenly Vision to Bring in God’s Kingdom

In the beginning of Genesis we see that God created man in His image and according to His likeness, and He intended that man would express Him and represent Him (Gen. 1:26-28). Then, at the end of Genesis, we see Jacob who expressed God in His image and, through Joseph, represented God with His dominion […]
We were Created for the Purpose of Expressing God and Exercising His Dominion

In concluding our crystallization-study of Genesis we need to see what this book is about in its entirety. The book of Genesis begins and ends with image and dominion: in the beginning, we see God creating man in His image and giving him dominion over all things, and at the end we see Jacob who […]
Benjamin: the Dwelling Place of the Triune God with Man Consummating in New Jerusalem

When Jacob was at the zenith, the culmination of his life, he was shining like a sun: he prophesied with blessing in a specific way concerning each of his twelve sons. His prophecy was first fulfilled in the history of the people of Israel with the twelve tribes, and today Jacob’s prophecy with blessing applies to […]