The leadership in the New Testament ministry is the leadership of the controlling vision of God’s eternal economy – and not the leadership of a controlling person; we need to see a clear, increasing, and complete vision of God’s economy so that we may be kept in the church life. In the New Testament, […]
We are under the Leadership of the Controlling Vision of God’s Eternal Economy
God’s Delegated Authority is in the Teaching of the Leading ones for Oneness and Building up

The New Testament shows us God’s delegated authority in the leading ones in the ministry; this authority is for building up, and this delegated authority was in the teaching of the leading ones and not in their actions or the persons themselves. Our God is so wise; in His New Testament economy He has […]
There is One Ministry with One Leadership, and Authority is in the Ministry of the Word

According to the New Testament, the authority of the apostles is spiritual and it is in their ministry of the word, and in the New Testament, there is one ministry with one leadership. However, according to God’s concept, there is no permanent leader in the church, nor is there just one leading one – […]
In God’s Economy Leadership depends upon Spiritual Capacity and it’s Not Permanent

If we carefully read the Bible – especially the New Testament – we will realize that, in God’s eternal economy and in the Lord’s recovery, leadership depends upon spiritual capacity, and the leadership is not official, permanent, organizational, or hierarchical. This week in our crystallization study of 1&2 Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, and Esther we […]
In Spiritual Warfare we Stand in Ascension and Use not Fleshly but Spiritual Weapons

In order for us to fight the spiritual warfare, we need to know and apply the principles of spiritual warfare: we cannot use fleshly weapons, keep the position of ascension, use spiritual weapons, and have fighting prayers, the prayers of spiritual warfare. In order for us to build up the church as the Body […]
Being Empowered in the Lord to Fight the Battle in the Body to Deal with God’s Enemy

The warfare between the church and Satan is a battle between us who love the Lord and who are in His church and the evil powers in the heavenlies; we fight the battle in the Body by the power of the Lord! Hallelujah! In order for the church to be built up as the […]
Spiritual Warfare for the Building up of the Church is Based on the Victory of Christ

In order for us to build up the church as the Body of Christ, there is the need for spiritual warfare; though many do not see this, spiritual warfare is needed in every step of the building up of the church, and this warfare is based on the victory of Christ. Hallelujah, Christ has […]