Both in the gospel of John and in Ephesians we see that God is glorified in the church, and for eternity the New Jerusalem has the glory of God, His expression. In the gospel of John we see the Lord Jesus coming as God incarnated, and those around Him saw the glory of God in […]
God’s Glory is being Worked into the Saints until God is Glorified in the Church!
Seeing and Experiencing the Glory of God in the Building of God (the Gospel of John)

In the gospel of John we see the glory of God in the building of God – first, the glory of God was manifested in Christ, the tabernacle of God with man, and then we were included in the divine-human incorporation in Christ’s resurrection! The governing vision in this book is life and building; life […]
The Return of God’s Glory Depends on the Building of the Church as the House of God

The return of the glory of God in Ezekiel depended on the building up of His house; the return of God’s glory today depends on the building up of the church as the dwelling place of God according to all the details in Ezekiel 40-48. In Ezekiel we see that the glory returned from the […]
Learning from History to Forsake Idols and be Built Together to have the Glory of God

The glory of the Lord is with His people, in His dwelling place, but when there are idols in the house of God, the glory of God withdraws step by step, leaving first the temple, then the city, and finally the people. Ezekiel witnessed this. The history of the glory of God being with His […]
The Church is the Place of God’s Throne and the Place where He Dwells with His People

We need to see and realise that God desires to have a dwelling place on earth with man, and the goal of His salvation is the building of His dwelling place on earth; the church is the place of God’s throne and the place where He dwells with His people. In Ezekiel 43:1-7 we see […]
Knowing and Experiencing God as the God of Glory and the God of the House of God

This week we come to the last crystal in the book of Ezekiel, The Return of the Glory of God to the House of God, and today we want to see how our God is the God of glory and also the God of the house of God. The main burden of this crystallisation-study of […]
Praise the Lord, we are Becoming the Reality of “God is There”, the New Jerusalem!

The very last verse of Ezekiel says that the name of the city from that day shall be, Jehovah is there; when God gains the holy temple and the holy city in the holy land, the name of that city is, God is there – God’s presence is with man, and man is in God’s […]