We as believers in Christ are growing in ourselves, eagerly awaiting sonship, the redemption of our body, when we will enter into God’s kingdom and glory; the whole creation is anxiously watching for God’s kingdom to come. Amen! Our regeneration was an instant moment – we repented, believed, and we were born again; it is […]
We Groan in Ourselves, we Enjoy the Firstfruits of the Spirit, and Eagerly Await Sonship!
Creation is subject to Vanity and is Eagerly Awaiting the Revelation of the Sons of God

Due to the fall of man, creation has been made subject to vanity; now the whole creation eagerly awaits the revelation of the sons of God, that is, the consummation of the process of designation that all believers are going through. Hallelujah! Man was created in the image of God and with His likeness, and […]
We can Live a Life of Reality and Learn Christ because we are in Him who is True

As believers in Christ, we need to learn Christ and be taught in Him to live a life of reality; we can live in the reality that is in Jesus because we are in the true One, the One who is true! Hallelujah! The whole world with the human living in the fallen being under […]
No longer Walk in the Vanity of our Mind but Live the Life of the New Man: Reality is in Jesus

Human life under the sun is vanity, but we as believers should no longer walk in the vanity of the mind but live the life of the new man as the reality is in Jesus. Hallelujah, reality is in Jesus, and we have Jesus living in us to be our reality! We human beings are […]
God put Eternity in Man’s Heart: we Realize the Vanity of Human Life and we Seek God!

Human life without God is vain and vanity, for human life in the corrupted world is a vanity, a chasing after wind; however, God has put eternity in man’s heart, and we can return to God, be saved, receive His life, and be one with Him organically to live a life for the fulfilment of […]
Everything in the Old Creation under the Sun is Vanity of Vanities, only Christ is Reality

The theme of the book of Ecclesiastes is vanity of vanities; human history, from its beginning to the present, is vanity and not reality, but when we have God, He in us is our reality and satisfaction. This week we come to the last crystal in our crystallization-study of Job, Proverbs, and Ecclesiastes, and we […]