For the recovery and preservation of the genuine, all-inclusive oneness, we must destroy the high places and stay away from division and divisive things. We have seen that God hates division and apostasy or heresy; division tears down the corporate expression of Christ (the Body of Christ) while apostasy or heresy damages the person of […]
For the Preservation of the all-inclusive Oneness we must Destroy all the High Places
We practice the Genuine Oneness by Teaching the Same Thing in all the Churches

The apostles taught the same thing to all the saints in all the places and in all the churches to practice the genuine oneness; the genuine oneness is all-inclusive and comprehensive, including all positive things. God hates division, for division – no matter how “solid” the reasons for division are – cuts and destroys the […]
Different Teachings other than God’s Economy which is in Faith bring in Division

Divisions come out of different teachings, teachings other than God’s economy which is in faith; division is all-inclusive, for it includes all the negative things such as Satan, sin, worldliness, the flesh, the self, the old man, and evil temper. According to Deut. 12-13 God hates division and apostasy, and according to Paul and John […]
We must Avoid Division and Reject Apostasy by Keeping the Oneness and Keeping the Faith

In Deut. 12-13 we see Moses telling the people of Israel to avoid division and reject apostasy; today we as believers in Christ need to avoid apostasy, avoid living in the principle of antichrist, and turn away from the divisive ones and reject the heretical ones. This week in our crystallization study of Deuteronomy we […]
Utterly Destroying all Idols and Exalting Christ to be the Church with Christ as All

In order for us to be the overcomers of today, we must maintain the ground of oneness, God’s unique choice, elevating Christ and Christ alone so that we may be the church with Christ as all. We need to tear down anything that replaces Christ and that rises against Him. This is similar to what […]
Living a Life of Enjoying Christ Personally to Enjoy Him Collectively for the Body

Our Christian life is a life of enjoying Christ personally to enjoy Him corporately with God and with the saints; for this, we need to labour on Christ as the good land. In order for us to be the overcomers of today, we must enjoy Christ with God on the ground of oneness both personally […]
Choosing to be Vitalized to be the Overcomers in the Church Life for God’s Purpose

The church life on the ground of oneness is today’s Jerusalem, and within the church life there must be a group of overcomers who are the reality of Zion; we need to be vitalized to be the overcomers in the church life today. In the Old Testament we see that the unique ground of Jerusalem […]