Our God is a God who takes care of the needs of all those who are part of His expression, and we as God’s people need to give to the poor so that God would bless us in our work and in all our undertakings. Our Christian life and church life is under the government […]
Knowing Resurrection Life to Overcome Money and Give to the Poor and Help the Needy
Being Controlled by the Word of God, we Worship God by Eating and Rejoicing before Him

We need to be instructed, governed, ruled, and controlled by the word of God, and we need to learn to enjoy the Lord with the saints in God’s presence in the unique place of His choice, which is our worship to Him. In Deuteronomy we see God’s work spoken through Moses, and in particular we […]
God’s Government in the Church is a Theocracy by the Bible and by the Holy Spirit

God desires to execute His government in the universe through the church; the divine government among God’s people is not democracy or autocracy but theocracy, God Himself ruling and reigning through some agents. This is how God ordained things, and even if we don’t agree with the way God runs things, we cannot but say […]
Seeing that God desires to Execute His Government in the Universe through the Church

God has a government in the universe, and He also has a government in the church; God desires to execute His government in the universe through the church. We can see this matter of the government of God both in the Old and in the New Testament. Our God is not merely a God of […]
God’s Economy concerning the Church: how the History of Israel is a Type of the Church

The history of the children of Israel is a type of the church, and the whole Bible gives us the revelation of God’s economy concerning the church. This week in our crystallization-study of Deuteronomy we come to the matter of, Aspects of the Church Life under the Government of God, in which we focus on […]
We Earnestly Contend for the Faith and Build up ourselves upon this most Holy Faith

On the negative side, we need to avoid division (which is versus the oneness that we keep) and reject apostasy (which is versus the faith that we contend for); on the positive side we need to keep the oneness and earnestly contend for the faith. With respect to divisions, we need to keep the oneness […]
We Elevate Christ Alone and we Separate ourselves from Heresy in the Church Life

Our God hates division and apostasy (heresy); in the church life we must elevate Christ and Christ alone, and we must be exercised to separate ourselves from any heresy (apostasy) and heretics (apostates). What God wants is that His people would be one (and not divided) and that they would stand in the truth and […]