God’s blessing is intrinsically related to oneness, and the Lord brings us in the enjoyment of His blessing, causing us to become a source of blessing under the showers of blessing. The normal life of a Christian is a life of blessing, and the normal work of a Christian is a work of blessing (Num. […]
Enjoying Showers of Blessing and God’s Greatest Blessing: being Transformed and Built
Exercising our Spirit to Enjoy Every Spiritual Blessing in the Heavenlies in Christ

Hallelujah, God has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenlies in Christ Jesus (Eph. 1:3)! We believers in Christ are a blessed people unde the blessing of God! May we choose life and reject death, and may we choose the blessing and be in a condition to receive God’s blessing so that we […]
We need to Express God and Represent Him to be His Kingdom to Receive God’s Blessing

Our God is a God of blessing and we can receive God’s blessing; He wants to bless His people, and when His people become His kingdom as a sphere of God’s authority, He blesses us. After Moses put before the children of Israel the laws, statutes, ordinances, and judgements by respeaking the law in Deuteronomy, […]
Being Victorious over Satan’s attack of Death by the Resurrection Life of Christ

Satan’s attack against the church is mainly through death, but by the resurrection life of Christ in our spirit, we can be victorious over the attack of death upon the church. Hallelujah, the Lord Jesus is both resurrection and the life, and as we enjoy Him as life, resurrection operates in us to first deliver […]
The Two Principles of Living and our Need to Live according to the Principle of Life

From the very beginning of the Bible we see that God put two choices in front of man: the tree of life and the tree of knowledge of good and evil; today we need to live in the principle of life by depending on God. Moses did the same thing: in Deut. 30 he put […]
We Choose Life – Life is God Himself, the Triune God Dispensed into us and Living in us

In Deut. 30 Moses set before the children of Israel life and death, and he charged them to choose life; our God is a fountain of life, and life is nothing else but the Triune God flowing out and being dispensed into us. This last week in our crystallization-study of Deuteronomy we come to the […]
Not Judging others but Showing them Mercy, and Living by Faith under God’s Government

In our living the church life under the government of God, we should not have different weights or measures – not judging others, but rather have mercy on them as God has mercy on us. In the book of Deuteronomy there are at least twenty-four items that are mentioned by Jehovah with statutes, ordinances and […]