According to God’s view, His people are sheaves full of life and heavenly bodies full of light; if we praise the Lord for His saints being full of life and light, we will be the first to participate in life. Praise the Lord for the saints! We need to learn that the way we look […]
Praise the Lord for the Saints being Full of Life and Light and Participate in Life
God’s People are Sheaves full of Life and the Church is Resurrectionly and Heavenly

We need to have the dreams that Joseph had so that we may realize that in God’s view all His people are sheaves full of life to produce food for the meal offering to satisfy God and man. When we see the church and the saints the way that God sees them, we will praise […]
Praising God and Speaking Well of the Church Life to be under God’s Blessing today

We want to be those praising God and speaking well of the church so that we may be under God’s blessing today. Throughout the centuries, those who have blessed Israel and who spoke well of the church have been blessed, and those who spoke evil of Israel and of the church have been under a […]
In God’s Eyes the Church is Sanctified, Perfect, and Beautiful for it is Full of Christ

Praise the Lord, in the eyes of God the church is sanctified, perfect, and beautiful, for the church is full of Christ! Balaam’s parables in Num. 23-24 portray Israel as being holy, perfect, and fair; in its standing the church is holy, in the sight of God the church is perfect, and in appearance the […]
Seeing a Vision of the All-Sufficient One and having a Divine View of God’s People

Like Balaam – a Gentile prophet who was brought into a vision – we also need to see the vision of the All-sufficient One and have a divine view of God’s people, having God’s view of things and of His people. This week in our crystallization-study of Numbers we come to Num. 23-24, and the […]
Staying away from Wandering Stars and Following the Living Stars in the Church Life

On the positive side, we need to follow Christ as the Star and also follow the living stars He has put in the churches, and on the negative side, we need to beware of wandering stars. When the Lord was born a star rose up in the heavens, and heathen magi from the east saw […]
As Living Stars we Trust in God and walk in God’s Light to be Ruled by His Shining

The living stars have great resolutions in heart and great searching of heart; they fear Jehovah and hear the voice of His servant, walking in God’s light, and they rule by their shining for the growth in life. Christ is the Morning Star and the Living Star; He came to shine in this word, and […]