In Deut. 10:12-22 we see how, as part of the renewed training God gave His people through Moses, there were nine matters that they had to take care of; these nine matters apply to us in our Christian life today. We as believers in Christ want to inherit the all-inclusive Christ as the good […]
A Renewed Training: Fear God, Walk in His Ways, Love God, and Keep Christ as His Word
Under God’s Sovereignty, He Arranges Situations and People to Expose and Terminate the Flesh

We can only worship God for His sovereignty, for under God’s sovereignty He arranges the people and situations around us to test us and be a cross to us to terminate our flesh; may we know God’s authority and fear Him, not daring to overthrow the divine order arranged by God. We see this […]
Faithfully Exercise our Spirit to Utterly Destroy the Flesh and Live in the Spirit

When the flesh is utterly dealt with, the kingdom of God immediately comes in; may we be absolute in dealing with our flesh and faithfully exercise our spirit to follow the Lord as the life-giving Spirit in our spirit. Amen! The lesson in 1 Sam. 15 is a very important one for us as […]
Pray in Union with the Interceding Christ to Cooperate with the Fighting Spirit and Put the Flesh to death

In order for us to deal with the flesh, we need to pray in union with the interceding Christ in order to cooperate with the fighting Spirit who indwells us; this is seen in type in Exo. 17, where Joshua, Moses, Hur, and Aaron were all involved in the defeat of the Amalekites. Amalek […]
Exercise our Spirit to Reject the Self and Live by the Divine Life to Deal with our Natural Disposition

As believers in Christ, we want to grow in life and be useful to the Lord in service; for this, however, we need to deal with our natural disposition, that is, reject what we are by birth so that it would be Christ who lives and is expressed through us. Our natural disposition is what […]