Become a Reproduction of Christ by Living Christ: We Live Christ and He Lives in us

We believers in Christ can become a reproduction of Christ as our model by experiencing Christ as the One living in us, being formed in us, and making His home in our hearts; we can live the same way He lived by living Christ, that is, by Christ living in us today. The Lord Jesus […]

Partake of the Lord’s Willingness to Take up the Cross and Bear it for the Church

As believers in Christ who desire to cooperate with the Lord for the building up of His church so that He may return soon, we need to learn to exercise the key of taking up the cross; we need to partake of the Lord’s willingness to bear the cross so that we may be happy […]

Saved from Religion and Contact Christ in our Spirit (2023 Fall Uni Conference)

This conference showed me that all God desires is only CHRIST! In Galatians 1:4, Paul showed us that the Lord gave His life for us to rescue us from the present evil age. But what is this present evil age? The present evil age refers to things that usurp, occupy, and distract us from the […]

Seeing that our Flesh is an Enemy of God’s Authority and is in Rebellion against God

 With Amalek there is a hand against the throne of the Lord; the flesh is an enemy of God’s authority, trying to overthrow the throne of God, and is versus the kingship, so the flesh needs to be thoroughly dealt with before the kingdom of God can come in. Wow! In each one of […]

Cooperating with the Triune God to Put Off the Old Man and Put On the New Man

As believers in Christ, we need to cooperate with the Triune God to put off the old man, which was terminated on the cross by Christ, and put on the new man, which was created through Christ’s death and resurrection. We have seen that there’s an urgent need to see the church as the one […]

The Spiritual Application of the Veil and the Screen in the Tabernacle in Exo. 26

This week in our time in the morning with the Lord we enjoy the topic of the Veil, the Screen, and the Two Aspects of Reconciliation, based on the portion in Exodus 26 speaking of the two entrances into the tabernacle and their spiritual application. All the items and furnishings in the tabernacle in the […]

The Friendship of the World is Enmity with God; Consider God when Touching the World

We may not realize this in full, but the world today is something designed and systematized by Satan in order to usurp the people of God from enjoying Christ and from accomplishing God’s purpose. All the things on the earth – especially those related to us, the mankind – and all the things in the […]