The children of Israel who returned to the good land from captivity in Babylon were told to remember the covenant that God made with Abraham, which is fulfilled in the New Testament; God made His covenant with Abraham through the crucified and resurrected Christ. We want to see the crucial aspects of living in […]
We Stand on the Covenant God made with Abraham to Enjoy the All-inclusive Christ
Allow the Crucified and Resurrected Christ as the Spirit to Build Himself into us for the Church

In order for us to become suitable materials for God’s building, we need to experience Christ in His death (signified by cypress), Christ in His resurrection (signified by cedar), and Christ as the Spirit (signified by olive wood), being filled with the Holy Spirit and being in spirit for God’s building. Amen! This week […]
Build up the Church as the Temple of the Living God through our Experience of Christ

The Gospel of John is the gospel of Christ as life for the building up of the church as the temple of the living God; this building work is carried out through our experience and enjoyment of the crucified and resurrected Christ as the tree of life for the church. Amen! We have seen […]
Having God’s Guidance and Leading in and through Christ according to God’s Covenant

Praise the Lord, we can have God’s guidance and leading in and through Christ according to God’s covenant! God’s guidance to His people is in a general way and His leading is in a particular way through Christ, the One who was crucified and resurrected and is now in His ascension. In the book of […]
The Earlier Overcomers have Highways to Zion in their Heart and Bring the Lord Back

The New Jerusalem is the totality of the overcomers, and today we want to be the earlier overcomers, those who have highways to Zion in our heart, love the Lord more than our self, and live out the reality of the Body of Christ. These past few weeks we have been enjoying the matter of […]
Christ’s All-inclusive Salvation Cleanses us and Heals us from Spiritual Leprosy

The cleansing of the leper in Leviticus 14 portrays the rich, complete, and extensive salvation God has prepared and accomplished for us in Christ – this is an all-inclusive salvation! Hallelujah, we who are born in sin and rebellion, who are leprous to the core, even we can be cleansed and healed by the Lord’s […]
Having the Experience of Marah, the Healing of the Bitter Waters, to become Overcomers

The experience of the people of Israel at Marah is very significant both in the history of Israel and in our Christian experience. After three days of traveling through the wilderness, they found no water, and they came to Marah – only to discover that the waters there are bitter. The people of Israel murmured […]