As the Body of Christ, the church has Christ as its life; as the one new man, the church has Christ as its person. In order for us to be in reality the Body of Christ, we need to take Christ as our life and live by Him to live Him out. In order to […]
Taking Christ as our Person for the New Man to Speak the Same Thing in One Accord
Bearing one Another in Love and Keeping the Oneness in the Uniting Bond of Peace

Keeping the oneness of the Spirit (Eph. 4:3) is not something “too spiritual” for us to understand or practice; rather, we can keep the oneness of the Spirit in a very practical way with all lowliness and meekness, with long-suffering, bearing one another in love, and in the uniting bond of peace. In the church […]
The Breaking of the Outer Man for the Release of the Spirit for God’s Expression

The proper church life is Christ coming out of the saints for His corporate expression. When all the saints experience and enjoy Christ, He has a way to be lived out and come out of them for His corporate expression. This should be normal in the church life. But because the church is degraded and […]
If Christ Remains Imprisoned Within us, We Cannot have the Proper Church Life

In order for us to have the proper church life as the corporate expression of Christ we need to have certain crucial experiences, the first of which is having our soul subdued and saturated with Christ. If we still live in and according to our soul, deciding things by ourselves as we always do, having […]
Being Open Vessels to the Lord’s Shining within from our Spirit, the Lamp of Jehovah

Our experience and enjoyment of Christ is for the church, and as we know Christ, pursue Him, enjoy Him, and experience Him we become His corporate expression in the church life. Too many times, however, we don’t enjoy the Lord, we don’t open to Him, and we don’t experience Him, and therefore the church life […]
Having the Divine Reality Wrought into us to Become our Reality, Life, and Living

The church life is nothing else but Christ Himself being enjoyed, realized, experienced, and expressed through the believers in Christ for God’s corporate expression. In order for the church life to be such a place, we need to have our soul subdued and saturated with Christ as the life-giving Spirit. If we all live in our […]
Growing in Life by Having our Soul Subdued and Saturated with Christ as the Spirit

The church life is Christ Himself enjoyed by us, experienced by us, realized by us, and expressed through us corporately. For us to have the proper church life to express Christ according to God’s eternal purpose, however, our soul must be subdued and saturated with Christ as the Spirit. Most of the time we live […]