Have you ever wondered, What is God’s purpose in creating man? God is a God of purpose, and nothing He does is accidental or as a reaction to what others do, taking God by surprise. Why did God create man? Some Christians say that God created man because “God wanted to have fellowship with man”, […]
What is the Purpose of God’s Creation of Man in His Image and with a Spirit?
Christ as the Word of God is Both the Creator and the Means of His Creation

God created the heavens and the earth for His will to be accomplished and His purpose to be fulfilled. How did God create the universe? Christ as the Word was the Creator, and He spoke things into being. We human beings can only make things out of something else, but God can call things not […]
God Created All Things for His Will to have the Body of Christ as His Expression

Why did God create the heavens, the earth, and all things in it? Why did God create man? God is a God of purpose, a God who has a will of His own pleasure, and He created all things for His will so that He might accomplish and fulfill His purpose (Eph. 3:9-11; Col. 1:9). […]
The Purpose of God’s Creation: to Glorify the Son of God and Manifest God in Man

Our God is a God of purpose, and in His creation of the universe and of man He had a purpose. Also, God had a motive for creating all things. According to the Bible, the motive of God’s creation was to fulfill the desire of God’s heart and to satisfy His good pleasure (see Eph. […]
A Fresh View and a Deeper Understanding of “In the Beginning God Created”

This week we will take a closer look at the topic of, Creation in Christ for the Fulfillment of God’s Purpose. The Bible is a wonderful book, and no matter how much people fought against it, the Bible is still here to stay and triumph. The book of Genesis in particular is a wonderful book, […]